保安人员服务管理理念要记牢保安人员服务管理理念要记牢杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 1、保安人员入职的基本条件是身高170米以上;20岁至28岁;高中以上文化程度;身体健康;思想品德好(当地县以上公安机关出具的无犯罪前科的证明材料);符合计划生育规定;具备一定的军训基本功;有深圳户口的成年人担保。退伍军人、党员优先考虑。 1 basic conditions, security personnel entry is more than 1.70 meters tall; 20 years old to 28 years old; high school education; health; ideological and moral good (proof of no criminal record issued by the local public security organs at or above the county level; the) accords with family planning regulations; military training has some basic skills; Shenzhen accounts adults guarantee. Veterans and Party members are given priority. 2、保安人员岗前培训的主要内容包括:公司简介;物业管理法规学习;企业内部的有关管理制度:员工守则,工作纪律等;安全防火教育;ISO92质量体系有关安保方面文件的学习;普法学习;职业道德教育;军训。 The main contents of the 2 security personnel, pre service training include: Company Profile learning; property management regulations; the management system of enterprise: employee rules, work discipline; fire safety education; ISO92 quality system related security documents legal learning; learning; vocational moral education; military training. 3、保安人员在岗培训的主要内容包括:安保操作规程;队列训练、擒拿格斗、体能训练、消防灭火训练、交通指挥训练等。 The main contents of the 3 security personnel, on-the-job training including: security operation rules; queue training, physical training, fighting and fire fighting training, traffic command training. 4、保安人员单兵队列考核标准是:军人军姿;停止间转法;齐步走与立定;正步走与立定;跑步走与立定;敬礼。 ![]() 4, security personnel individual queue assessment criteria are: Military Army posture; stop to switch between the law; marching and standing; marching and standing; walking running and standing salute. 5、保安人员擒拿技术动作的基本内容是:基本功:直打、侧打、勾打;弹踢、侧踹、勾踢;综合练习。擒敌拳等。 The basic contents of 5 security personnel, grappling techniques action is: basic skills: straight hit, hit, hit the side hook; kick, side kick, hook kick; comprehensive practice. Qingdiquan etc.. 6、保安人员军事体能测试标准是:百米跑14秒以内;俯卧撑50个以上;爬楼20层60秒以内。 6, the security personnel's military physical fitness test standard is: 100 meters running less than 14 seconds; push ups more than 50; climbing building 20 layers within 60 seconds. 7、保安守护工作的涵义是指保安人员根据有关特别服务的协议(委托管理合同、业主公约以外的协议),采取各种有效措施,对指定的人、财物、场所地以及其他对象所进行的看护和守卫活动。从宏观的涵义来看,对一个住宅小区、对一栋或一组大厦以及对一个工业区等物业的保安工作实际上就是保安守护工作,只不过物业管理单位不承担生命及财产的保险责任。 7, the security guard work is the meaning of security personnel in accordance with the relevant special service agreement (entrust management contract, the owners' convention outside the agreement), to take effective measures for the designated person, property, and other places to object care and guard activities. From the macro perspective, the security work for a residential quarter, a building or a group of buildings and an industrial area is actually a security guard work, but the property management unit does not bear the insurance liability for life and property. 8、保安守护工作主要有:保护人身安全;保护财产安全;维护客户单位内部正常的秩序。 8, the security and guardian work mainly include: protecting personal safety, protecting property safety, and maintaining the normal order in the customer's unit. 9、在守护过程中可能遇到的主要问题是:火灾;盗窃;破坏;扰乱秩序;业主或非业主使用人求助。 9, the main problems that may be encountered during the daemon are fire, theft, destruction, disruption of the order, and the help of owners or non owners. 10、巡逻保安服务的主要任务是:维护巡逻区域内和保护目标周围的正常治安秩序;预防、发现、制止各种违法犯罪行为;及时发现各种可疑情况,抓获现行违法犯罪分子;警戒、保护刑事案件、治安事件和治安灾害事故现场;检查发现防范方面的漏洞;平息巡逻中突发事件和意外事故。 The main task of the 10 patrol, security services are: the maintenance of patrol around the region and protect target's normal order; to prevent, find and stop all illegal and criminal activities; to detect all kinds of suspicious circumstances, arrested the current criminals; warning, protection of criminal cases, security incidents and public security disaster accident scene; inspection found to prevent the vulnerability; quell accidents and incidents on patrol. 杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 |