处理问题要灵活: Deal with the problem flexibly: 处理问题要随机应变,具体地讲就是要把 原则性问题和非原则性问题区分开来,然后针对不同性质的问题采取不同 的处理方法。对于原则性问题。必须严格把关,一丝一毫也不能让步,绝小能睁一只眼闭一只眼,如物资出门没有出门条,职工携带公物出门没有相关部门开具的借用凭证,提货的汽车证、物不相符,无关人员没有出入证随意出入,外来办事人员不履行来客登记手续等。 To deal with problems, we must act according to circumstances. Specifically speaking, we should distinguish between principled and non principled problems, and then take different ways to deal with different problems. For the question of principle. Must be strictly, a tiny bit can't compromise, the small can turn a blind eye, such as material not go out, carry out employee property issued by the relevant departments did not borrow vouchers, car license, material delivery is not consistent, independent staff did not pass freely, foreign staff does not fulfill the guest registration formalities. 执行制度要严格: The implementation system should be strict: 保安门卫在执行门卫制度时要严格,坚持领导和群众、干部和职工一 律平等,谁违反了门卫制度,都一视同仁、照章办事,公之于众,该批评 的批评,该处罚的处罚,触犯法律的要扭送公安司法机追究其刑事责任。 In the implementation of security guard guard system must be strictly, adhere to the leadership and the masses, cadres and workers are equal, who violated the guard system, alike, by the criticism, reveal to the public, the punishment punishment, violated the law should be sent to the public security judicial investigation of his criminal responsibility. ![]() 保安门卫往严格执行门卫制度的同时,自己更要带头遵守制度,不准 将亲朋好友带入,更不得带领他人进入机要部位,不得徇私情使物资无证出入,不得向他人泄露客户单位性质、房屋建筑、重要设备、安全措施、保安方案等内部事项,更不得包庇、放纵违法犯罪人员,绝不允许同犯罪 行为人互相勾结共同犯罪。 The security guard to strictly enforce the system at the same time, they should take the lead in compliance with the system, are not allowed to be friends into, not to lead others into the important part of relations, not the material and shall not divulge to others without a license, the customer nature of units, buildings, important equipment, safety measures, such as internal security plan matters more shall not cover, indulgence criminals, will not allow the same crime of joint crime with each other. 上岗执勤要文明: To be on duty is to be civilized. 执勤时必须按规定着装,注意风纪,做到服装整洁,仪表端庄,精 神饱满,态度和蔼,礼貌待人,办事公道,坚持原则,以理服人,尽职尽责,热忱服务。不准擅离职寸,不准闲聊打闹,不水酗洒吸烟,不准会私 客;严禁刁难人、不骂人、欺压人,严禁粗暴无礼,不准有侮辱人格的行为。 On duty must dress according to their regulations, pay attention to discipline, do clothing neat, dignified, full of spirit and attitude, polite, fair work, adhere to the principle of reasoning, conscientious, dedicated service. Don't leave the job positions, no chatting slapstick, not water was sprinkled smoke, will not private customers; people, do not curse, prohibited things difficult for the oppressed people, no rude, no abuse. 查验人、物要细致: The examination of people and things should be meticulous. 对人的观察,要注意从衣着打扮,动作表情上发现疑点,如衣着打 扮是否正常,衣服大小是否合身,有无冷天穿衣少,热天穿衣多,有无脏 衣不脱,有无下雨天戴大墨镜、火热人戴口罩等现象;动作上是否有行动诡秘,左顾右盼。围着某个要害重点目标转,神色慌张等表现。 Observation of the people, must pay attention from the dress, found that doubts action expressions, such as dress is normal, whether the size of clothes fit, there is no cold dressing less hot dressing, there is no dirty clothes off, there is no rain days wearing large sunglasses, hot people wearing masks and other phenomena; whether there is a secretive action, look around. Turn around a key goal, and look flurried and so on. 杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 |