



If you speak with solid work, you must have the spirit of working hard. No matter what security posts are engaged in, no matter the position is high or low, all of them should gather their own strength and accomplish the tasks that should be completed well. As a manager to work hard, as an ordinary security personnel also work hard, the actual work of each employee is a small fragment of the whole enterprise, but the combination of each small fragment is enough to determine the success or failure of the enterprise. If you speak with solid work, you must strive to enhance your ability to do things. " Practice is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the formation of a line. If you want to make a career, you must have the real skills of doing things and doing things. We constantly learn, think and summarize in practice, enrich our armed minds and consolidate our abilities. As long as we persist in learning and learning in the long term, we will improve our ability and quality. In fact, the lack of skills is not terrible. The terrible thing is not to make progress.
实干反映到安全管理中,既是领导作风、领导方法,也是领导能力。作为一名安保管理者,先要以身作则,更要懂得实干者才是企业发展的基石,才是企业财富的创造者,才是行业繁荣的支柱。安保事业需要的是思想务实、生活朴实、作风扎实的人,是尊重科学、尊重实践、精通专业的人,是诚实守信、言行一致、表里如一的人,是勤勤恳恳工作、努力进取创造、任劳任怨奉献的人。 如若一个企业让实干的安保人员没有舞台、没有机会、没有空间,那么这个企业注定是要失败的。
Work is reflected in safety management. It is not only a leadership style, a leadership method, but also a leadership capability. As a security manager, we must first give an example to understand that the firm is the cornerstone of the development of the enterprise. It is the creator of the wealth of the enterprise, and it is the pillar of the industry's prosperity. The security cause needs a person who is practical, simple in life and a solid style of work. It is the person who respects science, respects practice and specializes in the profession. It is the person who is honest and trustworthy, the words and deeds are consistent, and the people are in the one. If an enterprise makes a solid security personnel without stage, no opportunity, no space, then the enterprise is doomed to failure.
It is obviously unfair for the doers to suffer from hard work and profit from speculators. If this kind of wind is spreading, it will inevitably lead to the falsification of the security personnel in their work, and the unhealthy tendencies, such as the relationship of the industry, the back door, the bribe taking bribes and so on, will be forbidden. Therefore, we must not let the practical people lose their losses; on the other hand, we should create a practical environment for them to fully mobilize their enthusiasm and enterprising spirit. The real security personnel who are honest, practical and outstanding are rewarded and reused. The security industry should adhere to the correct selection principle, form a scientific employment mechanism, and give the honest people a platform to show their talents. In the security industry, it is a good guidance to form an honorable person who is honest and to be a speculating drill in the security industry.



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