铁路运输物资保安看护要准守的原则铁路运输物资保安看护要准守的原则杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 第1条为做好铁路运输物资在站存放或装有货物的货车在站停留期间的看护工作,保障货物安全,根据《中华人民共和国铁路法》和公安部、铁道部的有关规定,制定本办法。 The first article, in order to ensure the safety of the goods during the stay in the station where the railway transportation materials are stored or equipped with goods, ensures the safety of the goods. This method is formulated in accordance with the regulations of the People's Republic of China Railway Law and the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of railways. 第2条铁路运输部门认为需要看护和托运人、收货人自愿请求看护的物资(含货物、行包,下同),均由铁路保安服务公司承担看护任务,实行有偿服务。 The second railway transport departments think that the care and shipper and the consignee voluntarily requesting the materials (including goods, bags, and the same) are required by the railway security service company to undertake the care task and carry out paid service. 第3条看货范围包括:车站、货场、仓库、行李房、专用线所存放的货物、货车;保价货物列车在重点停车站、编组站的停留车和保留车等。 The third inspection range includes the goods and freight cars stored in the station, the freight yard, the warehouse, the luggage room, the special line, and the parking cars and the reserved cars in the key parking stations, the marshalling stations, etc. 第4条办理看货程序 Fourth procedures for handling the goods (一)铁路部门认为需要看护物资时,由车站与驻站保安队签订合同,报请铁路分局保价机构和分局保安机构批准后执行。合同应包括以下主要内容: (1) when the railway department considers that it is necessary to care for materials, a contract is signed between the station and the stationed security team for approval by the Railway Sub Bureau and the sub Bureau Security Agency for approval. The contract shall include the following main contents: 1、托运人或收货人名称; 1, the name of the shipper or the consignee; 2、货物所在站(地点); 2. The station of the goods (place); 3、保安货物的自然状况; 3. The natural condition of the security goods; ![]() 4、保安方式; 4, the way of security; 5、交接手续; 5. Handover procedures; 6、违约责任; 6. Liability for breach of contract; 7、双方约定的其他事项。 7. Other items agreed by the two parties. (二)托运、收货人请求看护的物资,可直接与铁路保安服务公司商洽后办理委托看护的手续。 (two) consignments and consignees requesting care materials can be directly contacted with the railway security service company to handle the procedures of entrusted care. (三)保安服务公司在接受看货任务前,应与货运部门、托运人、收货人根据合同规定办理物资交接手续。 (three) the security service company should handle the material transfer procedures with the freight department, the shipper and the consignee in accordance with the contract before receiving the goods. 第5条看货费用,属铁路部门要求看护的物资,由保安服务公司与保价机构协商,按有关规定办理;属托运人、收货人要求看护的物资,按当地物价部门批准的标准收费。 The fifth inspection fee is a material required by the railway department to be protected by the security service company and the insurance agency, and is handled according to the relevant regulations. The materials required by the shipper and the consignee to be protected are charged according to the standard approved by the local price department. 第6条看护人员守则 Sixth nursing staff code (一)服从领导,听从指挥。严格遵守国家法律、法规和铁路规章制度; (1) obedience to leadership and obedience to command. Strictly abide by national laws, regulations and railway rules and regulations. (二)严禁动用、偷拿物资;严禁刁难勒索用户;严禁弄虚作假、谎报情况。 (two) strictly prohibit the use and stealing of materials; strictly prohibit making difficulties in extorting users; forbidding falsification and falsely reporting. (三)在执行任务时,要按规定着装,不准饮酒。要接受所在地铁路公安机关及运输部门的领导和监督。 (three) in carrying out tasks, it is necessary to dress according to regulations and not to drink alcohol. It is necessary to accept the leadership and supervision of the railway public security organs and transportation departments. 对违反上述规定,造成损失的保安人员,保安服务公司要依照章程规定,给予必要的处罚。 For security personnel who violate the above provisions and cause losses, the security service companies shall, in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association, give the necessary punishment. 第7条看护人员的职责、权限 The duty and authority of the seventh caregivers (一)认真履行职责,坚守工作岗位,确保看护物资安全。 (1) conscientiously perform their duties, stick to their posts and ensure the safety of the materials. (二)对偷拿、哄抢、损害、盗窃看守物资的违法犯罪行为要予以制止并及时报告有关单位和公安部门,保护现场,协助公安人员维持秩序。 (two) to stop the illegal and criminal acts of stealing, rob, damage, and burglary, reporting the relevant units and public security departments in time, protecting the scene, and assisting the public security personnel to maintain order. (三)遇有违法犯罪分子侵害保卫目标和自身安全受到威胁时,有权使用配备的防卫器械,进行正当防卫。 (three) when a criminal offender infringes upon the security objectives and threats to his own safety, he has the right to use the equipped defensive equipment for proper defense. (四)因看货保安人员的责任造成的物资损失,应按照合同规定,承担违约责任。 (four) the material loss caused by the duty of the security guard shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the provisions of the contract. 第8条公安机关要保护和支持保安人员的工作,遇有看货保安人员举报货物被盗、哄抢或人身遭到侵袭时,应及时派员赶赴现场进行处置。 The eighth public security organs should protect and support the work of the security personnel. When the security guards report that the goods are stolen, rob or the person has been attacked, they should be sent to the site for disposal in time. 第9条对抓获的违法犯罪分子和收缴的赃款赃物,一律交主管公安机关按有关规定处理。 Ninth, the arrested criminals and stolen money and stolen goods shall be handed over to the public security organ in accordance with the relevant provisions. 第10条本办法由铁道部公安局负责解释。 The tenth way is to be explained by the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of railways. 第11条本办法自发布之日起施行。各铁路局可依照本办法制定实施细则 The eleventh article shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation. Various railway bureaus may formulate detailed rules and regulations in accordance with the present Measures 杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 |