保安公司中不能聘用哪些人?保安公司中不能聘用哪些人?杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 一、保守无为者。这类人缺乏开拓创新意识和进取精神,满足于现状,困难面前无所作为。对上级交给的工作任务,只求过得去,不求过得硬,有的甚者过不去。 One, conservatives. This kind of person lacks innovation consciousness and enterprising spirit, satisfies the status quo, and does not do anything in the face of difficulties. On the higher level to work, just go, not to live hard, some even go. 二、私欲较重者。这类人心事先为自己着想,不顾全大局。“只顾吹自己碗里的饭 Two, the private desire is more serious. This kind of people on the first for his sake, not the overall situation. "Just blow your own bowl of rice 菜。”对他人弃而不顾,请功在前,工作在后。 Food. " Regardless of others abandoned, please go in front, after work. 三、华而不实者。这类人说的多,做的少。好大喜功、喜欢哗众取宠,善于察言观色,投领导所好。在工作上敷衍了事搞门面工程,为自己涂脂抹粉,骗取荣誉。 ![]() Three. These people say more and do less. Like love, good at leading investment, curry favour by claptrap, good. At work in engineering for their appearance do things carelessly, whitewash, cheat honor. 四、独断专行者。这类人以“自我”为中心,我行我素,听不进别人的意见和建议,一意孤行,凌驾于集体领导之上。没有团结观念,工作态度蛮横粗暴。 Four. A dictatorial special. This kind of person takes "self" as the center, and I do not listen to the opinions and suggestions of others. It is on the basis of collective leadership. There is no concept of unity, the work attitude is brutal and rough. 五、拉帮结派者。这类人在形式上虽然与一部分队员“团结”了起来,但却原则而不 Five, those cliques. This kind of person is in the form of "unity" with a part of the team, but not in principle. 顾,工作主观随意较强。是制约队伍发展的主要因素,终导致整体上的不协调和个体的“小堡垒”主义。 Gu, the work is subjective and arbitrary. It is the main factor that restricts the development of the team, and ultimately leads to the incoordination of the whole and the "small fortress" doctrine of the individual. 六、法制观念淡薄者。这类人法制意识淡薄,对各项规章制度置之度外,不会用法律和纪律规范自己的言行举止,容易发生违法乱纪行为。 Six, the idea of the legal system is weak. This kind of people legal consciousness, the regulations of the indifferent, law and discipline to regulate their own behavior not prone to violations. 本文的精彩内容来自: 青岛安保公司更多的详细内容请点击我们的官方网站:http://www.qdzhongtebao.com谢谢您的到来 The wonderful content of this article comes from: more details of Qingdao security company, please click on our official website: http://www.qdzhongtebao.com thank you for your arrival 杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 |