



First, the security company strengthened the knowledge of fire fighting and the learning of fire fighting skills. In daily work, community security should learn fire - fighting knowledge, learn to use fire extinguishers, and save the initial fire skills. And try to guide community members to learn basic skills of self protection and self rescue, and solve the problem that residents only know the alarm, do not know themselves, only know the terrible fire, and do not know how to escape.
Second, the security company strengthened patrols and found that the security risks were cleared in time. The security guard should inspect all safety hazards when patrolling. If it is possible to cause overloaded electricity or electrical wiring aging, wire pulling and dragging, wire short circuit and leakage, etc., it should be repaired in time, or urge relevant departments to repair as soon as possible. We should report to the competent authorities in time for the hidden dangers discovered in the investigation, and supervise the rectification according to the arrangements of the competent departments, and effectively eliminate the unsafe factors in the bud.
Especially in autumn and winter, the wind is dryness and the use of fire is increasing. It has always been a high season for fire, and it should be overhauled. Once a community security guard found the outside wall leakage when rain, and take measures in time, and finally succeeded in avoiding the occurrence of a fire. Therefore, the security of the security to strengthen their own sense of responsibility, to real patrol is very important.
Third, the security company strengthens the maintenance of fire protection facilities to ensure the smooth passage of the safe passageway. In some areas, though there are fire facilities, but because the property companies do not maintain fire facilities regularly, or the maintenance is not in time, the fire facilities cannot be used normally or the fire facilities are damaged. Although some areas are equipped with fire equipment, but the quality can not be guaranteed, how much function it can play at the critical moment is difficult to say. The fire fighting windows of some old districts were destroyed, and they became sundries, and the fire equipment was lost or stolen.
Some floors are equipped with fire extinguishers, but fire hydrants are not seen. Some fire extinguishers are damaged and can not be opened. Fire fighting facilities are in the same shape. According to the provisions of the twenty-first article of the revised fire law, no unit or individual shall be damaged or unauthorized to use, dismantle and disuse fire protection facilities. At the same time, the forty-eighth provisions of the law clearly specify the damage and unauthorized use of, dismantling and discontinuation of fire protection facilities, and warnings and fines. Therefore, the security guards should ensure the normal use of fire protection facilities. If there are problems, the corresponding suggestions and measures should be put forward to the competent authorities immediately.
以上的知识由青岛保安 http://www.qdzhongtebao.com提供,我们公司将秉承诚信合作,共赢发展的方针,面向社会提供服务,感谢您的光临!
The above knowledge provided by the Qingdao security company, we will uphold the integrity of cooperation, development and win-win principle, to provide services for the community, thank you for your visit!



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