公司火灾来临时保安人员的职责火灾来临时保安人员的职责杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 一、如果锅子着火:应及时关掉煮食的炉火,用大盖子或碟子、湿毛巾、灭火毯等物品盖着锅子,切勿移动锅子,切勿用水泼向火焰,即使火焰看似已经熄灭,半小时内切勿把盖揭开。 First, if the pot should promptly turn off the fire: cooking stove, with lid or dishes, wet towels, fire blankets and other items covered in the pot, the pot do not move, do not splash to the flame, even seemingly flame has been extinguished, half an hour not to cover. 二、 如果电气用具着火:关掉总开关,用水或灭火器把火弄熄,但电视机、电脑着火则属例外,电源尚未截断,切勿把水浇到电气用具或开关上。如果电气用具或插头仍然着火,切勿用手碰及电气用具的开关。 Two, if the electrical appliances fire: turn off the master switch, water or fire extinguisher to put the fire out, but the TV, computer is the exception of fire, the power supply has not been cut off, do not pour water into electrical appliances or switch. If the electrical appliances or plug is still on fire, do not use hand touch switch electrical appliances. 三、 如果电视机或电脑着火:拔除电视机或电脑的插头,或是者关上总开关,用毯子、地毯、灭火毯等扑灭火焰,切勿用水或灭火器救火,因为机体内可能仍有残余电力,引致电击。 Three, if the TV or computer is on fire, pull out the plug of the TV or computer, or turn off the main switch, and use blankets, carpet and fire blanket to extinguish the flame. Do not use water or fire extinguisher to save the fire, because there may be residual electricity in the body, causing electric shock. ![]() 四、 如果燃油暖炉着火:站在离火焰至少6尺(2公尺)处,用水桶盛水浇灭火焰。 Four, if the fuel burning stove: stand away from the flame at least 6 feet (2 meters), extinguished the flame with a bucket of water. 五、如果塑料沙发或塑料扶手椅子着火:泡沫塑料焚烧的时候,会散发大量有毒的黑烟,可以在转瞬间把人呛晕。在这情况下,切勿试图救火。与此同时,离开房间顺手关上门,以免浓烟散到别处,打电话召救火车。 Five, if the plastic sofa or plastic armchair chair fire: foam plastic incineration, will send out a large number of toxic black smoke, can be in the moment to choke people. In this case, do not try to save the fire. At the same time, leave the room and close the door in order to avoid the smoke to go elsewhere and call to save the train. 六、 如果衣服着火:不要让伤者惊慌乱闯,因为胡乱走动会使火势更猛烈,使伤者躺下,以免火焰蔓延到头部。用水或其他非易燃液体浇灭火焰。另一个办法是大衣、窗帘、毯子(非人造纤维制品)或厚重衣物把伤者裹住,然后扶伤者躺下,切勿尼龙或人造纤维布料去灭火,切勿在地上翻转伤者身体,否则可能扩大烧伤的面积,并按烧伤程度料理伤者。 七、 如果嗅到烧焦气味:需唤醒屋内各人,若火势太猛,叫各人跑出屋外。若怀疑关上房门的房间起火,切勿打开门查究,逃出火场时,顺手把所有门关上,阻止火势蔓延及烟雾扩散,在火场附近打电话召救火车到场扑救,切勿重回火场。 Six, if the clothes are on fire, do not let the injured person panic, because the random walk will make the fire more violent, make the injured lie down, so as not to spread the flame to the head. Water or other non flammable liquid flames. Another way is to coat, curtains, blankets (non artificial fibres) or thick clothes wrapped around the injured person, then the exercise do not lie down, nylon or synthetic fiber cloth to the fire, do not turn the injured body on the ground, otherwise it may expand the burn area, and according to the degree of burn care. Seven, if the smell of burning: need to wake up all the people in the house, if the fire is too strong, call everyone out of the house. If suspected of closing the door of the room on fire, do not open the door to escape from the fire, when pulled all the door shut, preventing the spread of fire and smoke spread, telephone call rescue train arrived at the scene to fight in the vicinity of the fire, do not return to the scene. 八、 如果在高处被困:跑到临街的房间,关上房门,用被单和衣物堵塞门缝,打开窗户呼救,非到危急关头,切勿从窗口跳下。 Eight, if you are trapped on the high side: run to the room facing the street, close the door, use the sheets and clothes to jam the door, open the window and call for help, not to the most critical point, do not jump from the window. 杭州保安公司,嘉兴保安公司 |